Not too much going on around here. I had a rough day yesterday but feeling a lot better today. I guess being a stay at home mom can get to you at times and when your child does not want anyone but you ALL the time you don’t get much of a break. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE being home with Arianna but I think I need to start getting some mommy time so I don’t go nuts.
Arianna did have a little accident yesterday and hit her eye on the computer desk. She got the sharp metal edge and put a nice gash in her eyebrow. Poor baby she was bleeding like crazy and kind of freaked me out. I think this is her first official boo boo..well besides the huge scar across her chest. Here’s a picture of her today, sporting her bandaid and her big smile under that paci!

So for those of you who remember my comment about Arianna sleeping with us till she’s 15, well I decided to try and get her to sleep in her bed….but here’s the catch…it’s really an exstension of our bed. She has one of those 3-1 cribs, which turn into a toddler bed/daybed, then a full-size head/foot board. REALLY NICE! So I decided to ask Robert to convert the crib into a daybed and push it right up against our bed. It’s actually the same height with just a small gap in between beds so I just stuffed a blanket to fill that up. So last night was the first night sleeping this way and she stayed in her bed the whole night. She woke up a few times, rolled over, felt my face then went back to sleep. It was so nice not being kicked in the head or stomach all night. She is a very wild sleeper and normally ends up with her head at the opposite end, which she did last night. I know technically she is still sleeping with us but it’s a step out of our bed.
Today we were suppose to have speech therapy but after careful consideration we have decided to look for a different type of therapy. We still have Janet, Arianna’s OT, which works a lot with her feeding and oral motor and Arianna has shown a huge improvement in these areas. She has had 5 days of excellent eating. She is totally into feeding her self with's the cutest/messiest thing ever! They are still looking for a new therapist and don’t know how long it will take to find another one. Even with Arianna’s signing the communication barrier is becoming more of an issue for us. I am trying my best to learn as many signs as I can so we don’t have the frustrations. Guess I need to start buying the Signing Time videos for her since she knows all the signs from the Baby Signing Time videos. It was so cute she signed “baby doll” today. This is good to see her putting the two signs together. (Hey Pam, how did Madison become so good with her signing? I’m open to suggestions!)
I guess that’s it for us. She just laid down for her afternoon nap and I’m seriously thinking about joining, her but I have way too much to do. The only thing going on this week is our appointment with the immunologist…yuck..we’re always given a lab slip when we leave his office. ☹ To be honest, I forgot which tests need to be done. Oh well I’ll find out on Friday. Hey Kathy…ever get Isaac’s labs drawn? Welll better get off of here. Thanks for checking up on us!