Monday, April 7, 2008

Synagis Approved

I just got the call from our pediatricians office and they were able to get the Synagis (RSV) shots approved. THANK GOD! I was so worried Arianna wouldn't be protected before going in tomorrow. So, I let her take an hour nap and now I have to wake her up to go get shots. I hate making her get shots, but it's for her own good. Well better run...


jencooper said...

Woo hoo - glad that you got the shots approved! They are so important!


Samantha said...

Yea for the Synagis! What a relief. I love all the pictures from the weekend...the ice cream picture is the best! I am glad that you had such a great appointment the other day and I am thinking of you all today while you go in for the other tests. Good luck with the Versed...that stuff is great when they are all goofy, but it is a real bummer coming off of!


mina said...

So glad Arianna's synagis got approved, don't you just hate dealing with insurance companies?

And it's awesome that the neurosurgeon gave Arianna such a good report. Keep us posted about how the testing goes, I'll be keep your little one in my prayers!

Colin's Blog said...

Yeah for Synagis!! That is the most important shot for these heart kids.