Saturday, January 17, 2009

Good night

This whole bedtime routine is really starting to come together. Now we lay in bed, read a book, then go straight to bed. I love it!

Last night was the same way expect for going to bed a little late because she slept in yesterday.

She only had one wretching episode but didn't throw up....AND.....slept in her bed all night long! This is the 3rd night this week she has slept in her bed the entire night. The other nights she did come to bed with us but it wasn't till 4 or 5 in the morning so that is really good. I can't believe out of no where she just starts sleeping by herself. I'm getting so excited I want to go decorate her room right now. Of course I need to go buy a few things but I'm so excited! I'm still nervous to think about putting her in her own room but she is becoming such a big girl I know this is something I need to do for her.


jencooper said...

Way to go Ari!! I am so proud of you for sleeping in your bed! Keep up the good work!

I hope that you are feeling better!!


mina said...

Yay for great bed times! Vanessa, I know you have been waiting for Arianna to get used to sleeping in her bed. Have fun decoratng and I hope the yuckies are gone soon!

Kathy said...

She's a big girl now!

I just LOVE cuddling Isaac in bed...but, I try to resist and put him in his that we both can sleep.

I'm glad the wretching is slowing down. I don't get these kids.

Amyacl said...

So glad that Arianna is starting to feel better and is getting used to having a good night's sleep in her own bed!

Mami Adame said...

what a big girl! It's a bit bittersweet isn't it? Glad the wretching is calming down.