Saturday, February 2, 2008

Friday Night

When Arianna fell asleep she was on half a liter and sating in the low 90's. She started dropping to the 80's so the nurse bumped her up to .08 liters, which seemed to help, but not enough. They suctioned her nose twice because this evening she started with major post-nasal drip. I was pooring my heart out to the nurse, who was Daddy's old friend, when Arianna started desating again. She put herback on 1 liter, which seems to be doing the trick. I spent some time talking to this nurse and she got the impression that we were going home tomorrow but she said since Arianna cannot tolerate the same O2 levels when sleeping then we won't be going anywhere. I think I just had alot on my heart and this nurse was kind enough to sit and talk with me. I think since she knows Robert she was more interested in knowing more about Arianna's condition, or maybe I just talked her ear off....who knows. :-)

Anyways, I am sitting here and wanted to let you all know how our night is going so far. I'm a nervous wreck but trying not to let my mind wonder too far. I keep telling myself to take it one day at a time. Well gotta get my baby, she is coughing.....


marie said...

Vanessa, I just discovered you all were in the hospital! I have had a crazy few days and am fighting an URI! You are in my prayers and I am believing they find what is causing all this quickly! Love and prayers, marie {ps if this is a dup, sorry, I am having a few issues :)

Kathy said...

Sounds like you didn't get much sleep.
I can't stand going to the hospital and getting stuck there on weekends...they don't do any tests...I can't stand it! (like there aren't people around there that can work on the weekend?)
Oh my...if she's getting a post nasal drip...that might make her sats was hoping that you'd come home today. Tell her to start breathing...who knows what she'll get stuck in the hospital.
We'll keep checking on you guys!
Watch some cartoons this morning and both of you get some rest!

myra said...

Dear Vanessa,

It's amazing how God puts people in place when you need a lending ear. (even a nurse:) You do have one tough little girl. You're in my prayers always. - Myra

mina said...

It must be exhausting and frustrating, having to watch Arianna's oxygen levels fluctuate like they are doing. I hope and pray that the doctors can find an explanation for what's going on. I presume RSV has been ruled out too? Get some rest whenever you can, you'll need it!