Monday, March 22, 2010

This weekend we went out to watch the Thunderbirds (from a distance) and Arianna loved being outside! The airplanes were a little loud for her. (Wendy I was wishing I had those ear muffs you had for Emma.)
As you can see by the picture my baby girl is growing up SO fast. She is constantly amazing us with all the new things she does or says. She is definintly one smart little girl.
We are currently isolating her because her day in the OR is approaching for her dental work and we don't want her to get sick. I hate knowing she will be in the OR and under anesthesia but at least it's just for dental work. She is scheduled for March 30th at 2:30pm. Not sure how I will keep her from eating or drinking all morning. Why do they schedule things like this in the afternoon?!?
As far as my pregnancy goes..we are now 27 weeks!!! I can't believe I'll be in the 3rd trimester next week. Time is flying by. I have had a couple trips to L&D the past 3 weeks but nothing to keep me there. I was put on nifedipine to help with the contractions so I hope that helps. I was on this med with Arianna and it only worked so well. I'm only on modified bed rest so I just take my days as they come and try not to over do it. Some days are harder than others but thankfully I have friends and family that help when I really need it!!
Thanks for checking in on us. We love hearing from everyone that stops by!


jencooper said...

She is getting so big!!

Gracie had her dental surgery in the afternoon too! Luckily, she isn't a big eater so it wasn't too bad. Plus, Arianna will be able to have clear liquids in the morning.

Hope you continue to feel well!!

Tina:0) said...

What a cutie patootie! They are all growing up WAY to fast! You think we can figure out a way to slow the process a little;0)

Glad things are going okay with the pregnancy. Wish I were closer to help you out! Take care, friend!

mina said...

Arianna does look grown up! I hope the dental work is uneventful!

The Portas said...

I saw this photo on FB and just about melted it is so cute! She looks so grown up and so darn CUTE!

How many contractions are you having? I didn't realize you were put on modified bed rest. I hope it's going well for you. Do you think the progesterone shots are working? Praying for you (my pregnancy twin!)!!!

Amyacl said...

Arianna looks like such a big girl! She's going to be a great big sister. We'll be thinking of her on the day of her dental procedure, and we'll be hoping that little brother stays put a little bit longer!

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear that everything is going good with your pregnancy.

Arianna is getting so big and looks so pretty.

I cannot beleive they are doing the procedure in the afternoon poor kid that is just to long to go without something to eat or drink. Hope things go smoothly as I am sure they will :)

lynette said...

You have a beautiful family! Arianna is so cute! I hope the dental work went well. I will pray that your pregnancy continues to go well.

Wendy said...

Hi Vanessa!

I hope that everything went well for Arianna's dental surgery! And that you are feeling well...I think about you a lot and wonder how the pregnancy is going.

Arianna's newest photo is so cute. She's just growing up so fast! She's absolutely beautiful, Vanessa!

It's always good to watch the Thunderbirds from a distance! :) They are cool to watch, but so loud!!! The fighter jets from the base fly over our house all of the time...poor Emma gets so upset if we're outside! The headphones are great, if she'd only wear them!!! :)

Well, I hope that all is going well there. It won't be much longer before you have 2 little ones in the house!!! I'm so excited for you! Hang in there, and know that you guys are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Lots of Love,

Wendy (& Emma, too!)