Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Busy Halloween

Lots to do today...starting with Ari's cardiology appointment

Since it's Halloween of course we had to dress up!

Last minute costume...HIPPIE!!!


Don't they know they shouldn't keep a princess waiting

She has FINALLY learned EKG's don't hurt :)

She was NOT happy at all about getting an echo. But her follow-up x-ray today showed her heart still moderatly enlarged and he wanted to make sure there was no pericardial effusion (fluid around the heart). Great news...her heart looks PERFECT! Also, according to the cardiologist her lungs looked good with NO atelectasis!!! Praise God!

She LOVES this wall at the clinic! If you hold your hand on the wall it changes color.

After her cardiology appointment we went to Diamond Children's to see Gracie again! :)
I love that my girl wants to take time to go visit her heart sister. We know what it's like to be in the hospital on Holidays and wanted to try and lift her spirits. Last year Arianna had her heart cath on Halloween. Amazing how much has gone on in just a year.

 Photo op

I just love the way they were looking at each other. Gracie didn't want Ari to get up.

Getting her make-up done!

Time for hair..she got some colors added and was so excited about it.

Time to get ready for Trick-or-Treating!!!

Carving pumpkins with Daddy

 My mom is the BEST mom!!! Arianna wanted us to dress up with her and my mom didn't hesitate to jump right in and make it a special evening for my girl. Thank you mom!!

Ready to hit the streets..

She made it pretty far then needed to get in the wagon. Then she decided it would be fun to go home and hand out candy for a bit :)

Devin slept through the first round of trick-or-treating so when he woke up and saw all these people coming to the house he was a little scared. So Arianna was trying to make him feel better and explaining it was all just dress up. LOL From one scardy-cat to another LOL!

Starting to feel better..dancing like a princess

Ready to hit the streets again!

Devin didn't want to wear his robot costume but wanted to try this trick-or-treating thing himself.

After a few houses he got the hang of it and had a blast!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Easing into a schedule

My sweet friend Nikki came to visit today! Arianna was extremely silly while she was here. Devin was showing off for her. It was so funny cause he's typically not like that.
Arianna started back to school today! I am so proud of her. :)
 We took the kids to Target and let Arianna walk around while we shopped. I know...I would think she should be home in bed but she needs to be up and moving to get those lungs open. We get her chest xray on Wednesday and I'm praying we see improvement.

Then we came home and Arianna got to do something she's been waiting to do all week....TAKE A BATH!!! Yes, I took pics and no I will not post them. LOL! I dont want her to disown me when she's a teenager. LOL! Speaking of teenagers...she keeps telling me how badly she wants to be a teenager. I told her lets not rush it and enjoy the last few weeks of being 5. :)

We've been doing all her arts & crafts this evening. Then she found her puzzle she got from her treasure box.

I am so proud of her and how well she did with the puzzle. The thing with DiGeorge is you never know what kind of disabilities your child will have with learning and comprehension. She has struggled alot with comprehension this year but she did great with a little bit of help! I personally love doing puzzles so this was a lot of fun!

She did it!!! Just need to pick up some puzzle glue tomorrow and then she can add the gems and glitter to it tomorrow.
I have to head back to school tomorrow. I'm already having a hard time with the material since I missed several classes so I dont want to miss anymore. I have an exam on Thursday and really need to study but I just want to spend all my time with my you blame me?!?! I really can't express how thankful I am every time I look at her precious little face. God has BIG plans for my girl!!! 

Chest pain

We tried to space out Arianna's pain meds a bit and it didn't work so well. She was complaining her chest hurt this evening. Going to keep up on the round the clock meds to keep her comfortable. Maybe we'll try again in a few days. In the meantime, she is doing great and improving every day! She tries to do more than she is allowed to do and I have to kindly remind her that she is still healing.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Off to church then to see Gracie!!!

Since Arianna still has a partially collapsed lung we want to minimize her chance of catching a cold right now. But we couldn't help wanting to go to church and praise God for all He has done for our girl and continues to do for her. So we went for praise & worship this morning!

Aiden, Chloe, Aspen & Arianna. (Aspen & Ari are heart sisters too!)
Then we went to visit Arianna's heart sister, Gracie, in the PICU!
 Now I can show you all what we got her. :) Ari also made some pictures and a special necklace.
Ari loving on Gracie's Bummer Bear she got for her. "Coco" has brought so much comfort to Arianna we hope this bear will do the same for Gracie.
Frame Ari made for Gracie!
Thought this was perfect for our girls! I made the red mended heart and glued it on. Robert did the lettering. Now we need to get another frame to do one so Ari can keep it! 

Together again!!!

So proud of these girls!!!

That's right...Arianna wanted to push Gracie!

Arianna's favorite thing at Diamond Children's...

the interactive wall!

Watching the train

Silly girl wanted to CLIMB this wall. Oh I see how it's so hard to keep these heart kids from overdoing it for 6 weeks. Praise God she is doing so good!!!

Trying to steal a pic with my boy. :)

Arianna LOVES taking pics! :)