Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I can't believe it. We are enrolling Arianna into preschool 3 days a week starting in August. Well she will actually miss her first day because her MRI is scheduled on that day. :( I have so many emotions running through me right now. Excitement - that my daughter is alive to actually attend preschool! Fear - that she may get sick too often, or that kids will tease her because she is different, and worried that she won't be able to keep up with the other kids. Anxiety - I won't be with her to help her if she needs something. Will she be able to eat during lunch? (She is a horrible eater) But there is no turning back now..my baby girl is growing up and ready to take on the world!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Devin's 1st Birthday

So I am a month overdue posting this but here are the pics from Devin's 1st birthday. I have no idea but for some reason the cake pictures got deleted from the camera. BOO!

Wigs for Kids

The other day Arianna and myself donated our hair to Wigs for Kids. This was something I have been wanting to do with her for a long time. She was so happy to be helping kids with cancer and she was finally old enough to understand and appreciate what we did! I am so proud of her!


Arianna donated 12 inches
I donated 16 inches

Proud girl!

Eye Appointment

As you can see Arianna had to wear those gorgeous glasses after her eye appointment today. lol! She was so cute and kept them on too.

Well guess I should tell you all why we were at the eye doctor today. During one of her speech sessions, which by the way we ran out of sessions, they mentioned her left eye was off and we should have it checked.

Diagnosis is strabismus in her left eye. Shouldn't cause any problems but we will keep an eye on it, no pun intended. They had to dilate her eyes, which is why she was sporting those gorgeous glasses. He did not that her optic nerve and vessels around that are larger than most and he feels thats due to her heart defect and different blood pressure. Her vessells are also winding and not straight like they should be. He says it shouldn't cause a problem but something he doesn't see. She has asygmatism in both eyes. This may mean she will need glasses as she gets older but it also does not mean she will..so its just a wait and see thing..again no pun intended. :) So we dont have to do anything but come back in 6 months for a recheck!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Update

We got the CT approved and will have her MRI and CT done at the same time. I have recently requested a second opinion with a new orthopedic doctor regarding Arianna's scoliosis. We have been told the past 2 years that she could get a brace if her curve goes above 30 degrees and at our last appointment he said she was not a candidate for that because its a congenital scoliosis which is not new news to him so that irritated me. Plus there have been many other issues with this doctor so its time to get a new one. We will also be having her immunology follow-up soon (which reminds me I need to call and schedule that) We did get her the pneumovax and prevnar 13 vaccinations last week since they are recommended for patients with chronic illnesses such as Arianna.

Other than that we are doing well. She has not been sick and enjoying summer with her older brother Cyrus. I'm in summer school which is requiring majority of my time so I'm looking forward to my 4 week break coming up at the end of this month.

Oh almost forgot..We got a new car!


Devin has started walking last week. This was from my phone so sorry for the bad video. I'll try to get another video since he is really good at it now.