Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cardiac MRI & Lung CT Scheduled

I just got the call from UMC to schedule Arianna's cardiac MRI. Man, was that a hit in the gut. I knew it was coming up but I hate when I get those calls. She was suppose to have this done at the end of July but they are booked so she is scheduled for August 15th at 10am. I am working on getting insurance to approve the CT for her lungs as well. If all goes through then she will be wheeled to the CT machine right after her MRI so we don't have to put her under twice. She does have to be put under general anesthesia so this is why I get nervous. Anytime your child has to be placed under its not a good experience. Praying that since she is older and I can explain things to her a little more that it won't be as scary and she will wake up from it okay. Last time she was delirious waking up and I pray it doesn't happen again. I guess what scares me the most is the fact that this test will indicate whether surgery is needed right now or not. It seems alot of our heart friends are having surgery so that just means our heart kiddos are growing up and with that comes heart tune-ups as I like to call it. Whatever the outcome may be I know that I have to put it in God's hands!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Arianna's First Ballet Recital

I am extremely proud of Arianna and completing her first year of ballet. She was in the white class and will advance to pink next year. She absolutely LOVES ballet and is even taking summer classes to advance her skills till next year. This was her first recital and I cannot tell you how emotional it was for me. We had just got back from California and she started getting sick on the drive home. Had a slight fever but I knew I couldn't let her miss this. She practiced so hard. This was the first time she was away from us for 5 HOURS!!! She did amazing and remember her dance when others were just standing there she was leading the group. Proud Mama moment!

Waiting for Ari to take the stage

Arianna with Rapunzel

Bepa knows how to entertain the little ones

Grams brought the ballerina pretty flowers!

Ari with the boys

Arianna with Miss Linda (Director)

I won these in the raffle

Arianna, Devin, Bepa & Grams

Arianna, Poppy & Nanny

Proud parents

Arianna with her BFF!

The most amazing man I know..My Papa!

Where's my dinner?!?!?!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

California Trip 2011

On our way to California!!!

Coronado Island

She asked to be buried. LOL


Daddy ended up navigating our way around. :-P

It was Arianna's Happy Heart Day so she got a treat at lunch

Shamu Show

~Time for the sharks~

Mommy's favorite..TURTLES!!!!

My baby bear in her den

This makes it all worth it!
My beautiful Mom!

Beach time again!!!

1st sand castle with Daddy

~Protecting her castle~


Arianna and her new family

My little Indy

Devin wasn't too excited about the boat ride.

Arianna wasn't scared at all..she went to the top

Brother catching an afternoon nap

Ferry Ride