Check it own doctor kit!
Getting a well needed bath.

Don't I look so fresh and clean!
So this morning Arianna had the upper GI study and the even though the report isn't final, the doctor who did the test said everything looked good, no reflux or aspiration. THANK GOD! So what is it?
This afternoon the attending showed us the first chest x-ray taken in the ER and the one from today. You can definintly see the hazziness on the x-rays but todays looked worse, but will get the report tomorrow. It could very well be because in the ER x-ray Arianna's body was slightly twisted and the one from today was straight. Oh yeah, speaking of that, they put her in this contraption that looks like a torture chamber for the Saw movie. I could go into detail but honestly its just too sad to relive that memory. :(
They have decided to give her steroids for the next 3 days to help with the inflammation. We gave the first dose tonight and about 1 hour later she was bouncing off the walls. Guess they failed to mention this as a possible side effect. She finally got so tired from playing with Grams and Bepa that she fell asleep at 9:30pm. Just two more days of this thank God.
I did put a call into Arianna's GI doctor's office this morning just so he would be aware of what is going on. I didn't hear back from him so maybe we'll just see him at our next appointment which is in a few weeks. Are you ready for this.....Arianna weighs 18 pounds 8 ozs!!! Thats right, she has gained 1 pound 8 ozs since being in the hospital. At this rate we will be able to buy her a forward facing car seat by the end of the month. I am so excited and pray that she keeps the weight on.
So the plan as of tonight is, if Arianna can keep her saturations above 92 when awake and above 88 when sleeping then we can take her home on oxygen. She is currently at half a liter and they feel anything less than this won't work for her. So even though they wanted her on a lower amount of oxygen before they have come to terms that she just cannot tolerate a lower amount.
She did very well this afternoon with her nap and stayed between 88-93, but at bedtime she struggled to stay above 88 for awhile. She is currently satting at 93% once we did some repositioning and elevated her head. I was a little worried with the lower saturations earlier but I kept telling the nurse to give her time cause I KNOW she can do this.
We also talked to the attending and the immunoglobulin results were in. Her levels have increased in all areas which is great except for her IgE which is way too high. The IgE is the antibody found in the lungs, skin, and mucous membranes. The IgE levels can often be high in people with allergies. We were told by her immunologist that her eosinphils were high which can mean she would have allergies. But besides that her immunoglobulin levels were great! I'll be contacting him to find out what this all means.
I don't know why God chose me to be a mother to a special needs child and believe me sometimes I wish he didn't. But every time I look into my daughters eyes I couldn't imagine my life without her. Yes, I wish she didn't have to deal with these medical issues but that is what makes her so special. Through all she goes through she just puts that smile on her face and keeps on going. I can't give up on her and I won't. She has taught me to take each struggle head on and never let it get the best of me. I am putting her in Gods hands and believe that whatever is going on with her lungs will clear up and she will get off this oxygen. For now I know she needs it and we will work on it one day at a time. But the bible says, "Ask and it shall be given unto you"....we'll Lord I'm asking for healing over Arianna's body. Please continue to be in agreement with me over this.
Since I've been typing this post her saturations have dropped twice. I am in constant prayer about this and I know God knows the ultimate plan.