Sunday, September 6, 2009

Roseola again!

Arianna's fever broke today and out came the rash. She has roseola again! Good thing she is no longer contagious cause we are headed to Robert's brothers for a BBQ this afternoon. I didn't think kids got that more than once but I guess my kid does. I was beginning to get concerned about her swollen eyelids so I'm glad to find out its just roseola and not something with her heart.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend!


jencooper said...

I am playing catch up on reading and signing blogs. I am back at school. I can't read your site everyday because it is blocked. I am not allowed to sign in to blogger while I am at school.

I hope that Ari is feeling much better and that you had a great time at the barbecue!!


Unknown said...

I hope it goes away soon and nothing serious comes of it.

Hope you are enjoying your long weekend.

The Portas said...

Poor baby girl! I'm so sorry she hasn't been feeling well. The middle-of-the-night sickness onsets are always such a scary thing for me.

Give that sweetie some extra loves from me. We will be praying for a quick recovery!! xo