Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Roseola is gone!

Thank God! Arianna was sure testing me all week long. One of the symptoms of roseola is irritability...yeah that's also a symptom of being 2-years-old. lol! I'm just glad my baby is back! :)

Not much is going on lately. We are going to enjoy a week without therapy appointments or doctor appointments.

I just realized I never blogged about Arianna's Holter monitor results. Sorry. I got an email from her cardiologist and the monitor came back normal! :) We will continue our 6 months check ups as usual.


mina said...

Great news about the Holter. And glad that Arianna is feeling better!

Amyacl said...

I'm glad that the roseola is gone, and that the Holter results came out normal! Always nice to hear good news!