Thursday, May 13, 2010

Developmental Pediatrics

So I got a call at 9am letting me know they scheduled Arianna for an appointment with the developmental pediatrician but it was at 10am THIS morning. We arrived late but what do you expect with only an hour notice.

Her physical exam was excellent. She did so well getting weighed, height checked, blood pressure and O2 sats. Everything looked perfect! My only concern was that she has not gained any weight.

The doctor did a full evaluation and discussed Arianna's history. She seemed rather concerned with Arianna's low muscle tone. She feels her motor skills are delayed which can cause frustration as she gets older. She was surprised Arianna is not being seen by a physical and occupational therapist. I was really shocked she felt Arianna needed them. So we have decided to get another PT/OT evaluation. Since Arianna is over 3 years old we can no longer get services through AzEIP and will have to try and get her approved at the Children's Clinic.

She also recommended we start her in ballet classes, swimming classes and anything that will keep her physically moving. This will help build her muscle tone and provide social skills she is longing for. So...Arianna is extremely happy we are looking into ballet classes!

The other big thing the doc wants us to do is put her in preschool. This is really hard for me to even think about but I know it would benefit Arianna tremendously. I have put a call into the immunologist to make sure she is healthy enough for preschool. I will also have to call pulmonolgy and get his okay as well. If everyone is good with it then we will be checking out preschools to start Arianna in the fall.

The best thing the doctor told me was how bright of a child Arianna was. She said we will reevaluate her again next year but for now she doesn't fell Arianna should have any learning problems.

Guess life is going to get really busy with Arianna again and with the new baby arriving in a few short weeks.


Anderson Family said...

Yeah for ballet class. I'm sorry this all came about, especially when you have a new little bundle of worries on his way, but he's going to have to be easier, right? She's one smart cookie and that's the most important thing. So she's no wonder woman, but she can outwit one! Arianna can use Kira as her muscle! Hope all pans out for preschool, that would be so exciting!

Tina:0) said...

Oh, ballet class! Vaeh & she will take their first year together (just across the country from each other!)! Gabie is getting ready for her first recital & Vaeh is jumping on the bandwagon!

I can't believe how big she is getting!! What a little lady she is growing into:0)

Glad you're hooked up with the new doc. Hopefully Ari can go to preschool... I'm sure she'll love it!

Hope you're feeling well & are getting some much needed rest in before the little man arrives! Big hugs from Ohio!

The Portas said...

She is going to love ballet, how fun!! Vanessa, I know what you mean about preschool. Letting Elijah go at such a young age was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I thought about not doing it up until the very last minute, even. But I am so glad he is going. He LOVES it and it is so good for him in so many ways, and I know Arianna would thrive there, too. I will be praying that her immunologist thinks it is ok for her.

I hope you are doing well this week! I'm thinking of you all the time. xo

The Watson Family said...

I am sorry that you had a night like I did the other night. Hope you are dong better.

Putting Maddison in a pre-school (K-2) program was a difficult decision, but one that has benefited her tremendously. I still worry about her being around the other kids with getting sick, but have tried to weigh it all out. I think Arianna will love it, which makes it easier on us moms!!

And ballet!!! I am looking into dance for Maddie for fall, so we'll have to share some photos!

Continuing to think of you, the family, Arianna, and new baby!

Love & Hugs
Nicole Watson