Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Arianna's First Ballet Recital

I am extremely proud of Arianna and completing her first year of ballet. She was in the white class and will advance to pink next year. She absolutely LOVES ballet and is even taking summer classes to advance her skills till next year. This was her first recital and I cannot tell you how emotional it was for me. We had just got back from California and she started getting sick on the drive home. Had a slight fever but I knew I couldn't let her miss this. She practiced so hard. This was the first time she was away from us for 5 HOURS!!! She did amazing and remember her dance when others were just standing there she was leading the group. Proud Mama moment!

Waiting for Ari to take the stage

Arianna with Rapunzel

Bepa knows how to entertain the little ones

Grams brought the ballerina pretty flowers!

Ari with the boys

Arianna with Miss Linda (Director)

I won these in the raffle

Arianna, Devin, Bepa & Grams

Arianna, Poppy & Nanny

Proud parents

Arianna with her BFF!

The most amazing man I know..My Papa!

Where's my dinner?!?!?!

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