Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Every time I wanted to start blogging again I would get overwhelmed with how much I need to update. So you get the really quick recapped version. But I'm sure I will go back for specific situations and do a post dedicated to that topic. But here goes...

In 2013 I began my journey into Nursing School at Grand Canyon University!

I worked VERY hard for 16 months and earned my bacheloretts degree!

Arianna began 2nd grade at Academy of Tucson and did very well with her health until January.

This was such a special day...her FIRST picture day!!!

Oh but can't forget we went on our Make A Wish trip in December. I will do a dedicated post just for that trip ;)

Arianna got extremely sick that landed her in the ER in respiratory distress and than an admission into PICU.

The VEST to help open airways
 She had double pneumonia, pleural effusion, bronchiolitis, and asthma exacerbation. She spent 5 days in PICU and than stayed home for several more weeks. She was out of school for total of 7 weeks..last 2 was simply because her class was still SO sick. But she is finally back in school...caught up and hitting Honor Roll AGAIN!! That is all 3 quarters with NO modifications needed!

She just had a sleep study done last week and still waiting the results.

Cardiac wise she finally was given the BIG thumbs up and said her RV diameter has shrunk which means the pulmonary valve conduit was able to reserve some of the dilation! In Aug 2014 we were given the okay to go a FULL YEAR until our next appointment. First time we've been able to space them out.

We do have some concern about her palate. After doing some research and talking to other 22q moms I believe she may have a sub mucous cleft palate. We have actually been in contact with CHOPs 22q and You center and hoping to get everything set up to go this summer.

Devin is doing really well. He is getting ready to start Kindergarten in a few months. I can't believe how BIG my boy is getting! He did his kinder testing and he is right on track and we are excited to have him join his sister at the AOT!

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