Saturday, November 1, 2008

~Happy Halloween~

Here's some video I took last night. Make sure to scroll to the bottom and pause the music so you can hear her little voice. Don't mind the very end of the video, I was taping over Robert's airplane stuff (and yes he gave me permission.)

She was so tired my baby girl fell asleep trick or treating

She did wake up once we got back to Aunt Lissa's. She made out with alot of candy and had a blast! I have to say Halloween is quickly becoming one of my favorite holidays. Having kids sure makes this holiday so much fun! :)


Pam said...

Looks like lots of fun went on at your place last night. So cute that she fell asleep.
Hey I was glad to hear that you were approved for the shots for the next few months. We too had them until Madison was 2 1/2. I think they must think twice about heart kids and RSV.
Have a good Sunday.
Pam and Madison

Tina:0) said...

O-M-G! She is toooo cute! I love the "up, up, up..." Its like she's saying "would you listen to me already?!" And how adorable is she sleeping in the wagon?!

Glad she had a good time! Hope you all have a good weekend!

Amyacl said...

Look at that adorable little princess! Halloween is a lot of fun with kids, isn't it? So glad she had a great night!

**Colleen** said...

She is toooo cute! She seems like quite a determined little girl..."up, up!" What a sweetie!

mina said...

Looks like Arianna had a great time, and managed to squeeze in a nap too!

The Portas said...

What a sweet little voice she has! I just love it. I'm so glad it was such a fun evening for her. The "after," sleeping pics are precious. What a sweetie. xoxo

Unknown said...

What a cute video and a little princess. Glad she had a good time and gots lots of candy to share with mommy. Thanks for sharing.