Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bad girl....Good girl

I am definintly having my share of arguments around this house lately. This was the mess I walked into this afternoon. All her hair bands pulled out from the bottom shelf.
I asked her nicely to pick it up and she said, "NO!" So we had an hour long battle of time out and a few spankings. Arianna is just so stubburn. I feel like I need to start nipping this issue in the butt before she gets older. Well after some tears, from both of us, Daddy comes home and asks her 3 times and she picks them all up for him. AGH!!!
I have been having one bad week myself so I decided to splurge out on some Taco Bell. Robert decided to order Arianna a bean and cheese burrito. I thought he was crazy but sure enough.....

She loved it!

I'm still in shock cause she ate 3/4 of this burrito, half a bowl of pintos and cheese and some cinna twists!!! I know this won't happen all the time but I am so excited I had to blog about it.

I better get back to work but I just had to share our day with you all.


Anderson Family said...

No??? I'm so glad that Kira can't talk yet! It drives me nuts that dads can just swoop in and be the good guy. I agree, nip it in the bud. At least she ate like a pig afterwards. Maybe all the drama worked up an appetite.

mina said...

Tears and spanking aside, isn't kind of gratifying to see Arianna do typical toddler things? I just swept up rocks from our back yard, Bilal brought them in and dropped them all over our sunroom. Toddlers!!

Yay for the burrito, who knows what she might eat next time??

Samantha said...

I heard the word NO today from Micah...I looked at him and said "Did you just tell me no?" He replied...uh huh and walked away...oh my 2 year olds!!!

Love ya!

Tina:0) said...

Isn't it so much fun when they look at you with this adorable little face & say "No!" Vaeh is getting rather proficient in the use of this word. Oh well, I think we'd be bored if they didn't keep us on our toes!

So, can Arianna teach Vaeh how to eat again?! She's really been eating like a very tiny bird here lately, enough that I'm getting a little worried...

Hope you all have a great weekend!! Give that little cutie some hugs from us!

Unknown said...

Sounds like she is really testing her boundaries, you go Mom.

Taco Bell we love Taco Bell, and she ate so much, every once in a while my girls will eat alot at one time, I wish they ate like that all the time so they could putmore meat on there bones.
Have you are enjoying your weekend.

The Portas said...

We have Mr. Stubborn in our house, so I can sympathize. It's draining and maddening! UGH.

Wow, I'm super impressed with the burrito eating! That is awesome, little one! Maybe we'll try that one with Elijah.