Wednesday, March 4, 2009

In the news!

We were given the opportunity to be on the local news talking about the recent budget cuts. Check out the video.

Click here for news clip.


Unknown said...

oh Vanessa I am so sorry to hear about you not being able to get any more Intervention for Arianna. These budget cuts are really affecting everybody. I also heard from my therapist that they are doing lots of cut backs and the program might also go away here in Las Vegas, NV I am hoping it does not. Logan still has 1 1/2 years left and he really needs it.

I hope you are at the point were you can still help her a little with your training you learned from the therapist. Speech is always the hardest. Good Luck

The Portas said...

Great news clip! Very informative, and it even made me teary in parts. You did awesome!

I hope this can be reversed soon. It is such a good program for the little ones and such a shame to see cities letting it go.

Amyacl said...

Vanessa, great job! You spoke so articulately about how important these programs are. Let's hope that someone who can make a difference was watching!

Unknown said...

Yes, it is really sad. Our kids need this so bad. Arianna is so blessed to be doing as well as she is but what about all the children still needing these services; it's just not right.

Anderson Family said...

Kira was so excited by the news clip. She was bouncing up & down and pointing. I think she honestly knew that it was Arianna! Awesome job!

Samantha said...

WOW!!! In the news! Way to go my friend! I am glad that the princess has gained so much weight! She is catching up to Micah...Go Arianna GO!!! I know how we all hate the Synagis shots, but love them too. I hate that they hurt the babies so much :( But, it is better the few moments of pain then a LONG illness!

Sorry I have been so out of it, things are so out of control here in my world :(

Much Love,

Tracy said...

Wow. I can't believe they are cutting your Early Intervention program. That is awful. There are so many families that are in need of this for their children.
I'm glad I found your site again. Arianna is just growing up to fast.

Kathy said...

seriously...they are totally cutting early interventions?? not just scaling back...holy cow! Time to head to Vegas!

You and Arianna were just beautiful.

and about the Robitussin...our ped actually gave us TONS of samples of some pediatric long lasting. We were told to give him 3mls up to three times a day (mostly at night). I'm sure this is one of those iffy drugs...does it really work...but, when he's got that junky cough, I try anything they let me...he's just horrible.

You'll have to tell me what your ped says.

because...what about Benadryl..we were ok'd to use it to (when we really need it).

**but, this could have been before the kid's drug shakedown!

Tina:0) said...

I'm with Kathy on the benadryl. Vaeh's pedi gave us the okay to use it with her (1/2 teaspoon = 5 mL) & it seems to help along with the breathing treatments. That & they told me to "squirt salt water in the nose". They say it helps break up the secretions... not too sure about that one:0)

That clip was wonderful! I know Vaeh wouldn't be where she is now if not for EI. You are such a wonderful advocate for Arianna & all the other little one's who have no one to speak for them! Keep up the wonderful work you do!!