Monday, October 6, 2008

Susannah got her new heart!

Our heart buddy Susannah got her new heart! (link to her page on the right)She is 4 years old and really needed this transplant as her heart was failing her pretty bad. She came through surgery well and her mom says she is so "PINK"!

Ever since I've followed Shawn's journey through his transplant I know how rocky things can be. Please keep Susannah in your prayers.

I'm also following a little boy named Manning who received his new heart last week so please add him to your prayer list as well. I haven't talked to his mom yet so I don't have a link to his site on our page.

1 comment:

Tina:0) said...

How wonderful for Susannah & her family! I can't imagine the roller coaster of emotions... puts things into perspective, doesn't it?!

Arianna is getting sooo big & too cute! Give her hugs from us!