Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Arianna had speech therapy yesterday and we are happy to hear our ST thinks she may no longer need speech if she keeps progressing this way. She is saying 2 to 3 word sentences regularly.

Then we had our early interventionist come today and do our annual assessment/goals to prepare for preschool. Thanks right you read that correctly. My baby is going to be 3 in November and we're looking into getting her an at home preschool teacher. This program through TUSD is called Direct LINK. Her therapists are going to do her standardized testing on her in June and hopefully she qualifies for the program. So keep those fingers crossed!

Not sure if she will still need therapists when she turns 3 but if she does we'll try to get her current therapists approved through our insurance or see what TUSD can provide.

Arianna is doing great! Her brother has been here the past 3 days since he is on spring break and Arianna is loving every minute of it.

We are still waiting for her inserts to come in but hopefully we'll hear something next week.

Thanks for checking in on us!


mina said...

Preschool soon? She's really growing up!

Unknown said...

I know it's still months off but I'm just so excited!

Pam said...

Hi Vanessa,
I know that feeling of, What? it is time for preschool. Madison has only had a homebound teacher. She also gets speech teacher from the school board who comes two days a week. She loves both of them.
As far as church, Madison can't go either. At our church children have to go into the nursery or childrens church. She has not been cleared to do that yet. The nice thing about the sunrise service is that families spread blankets on the ground and so it is really not the same as putting her into a classroom. Sort of like going to a park (with out the fear of her touching germs) or beach. They also fill the seats in the stadium but we don't go up there.
Glad to hear Arianna is having such a good time with her brother. It is nice when they have a built in friend. Great news on Arianna's speech. That is a big bullet to dodge in this syndrome!
Take care,
Pam and Madison

Anderson Family said...

Way to go Arianna!!! We're so proud of you! Too bad she learned the word "No!".

Tina:0) said...

Okay, you & I will have to get together about this whole preschool thing!! They're going to do Vaeh's testing here in the next few weeks & she'll probably start when Gabby starts kindergarten! I won't know what to do without any kids in the house! I'll be so bored (LoL)!!

Sounds like Arianna & Vaeh could have a nice conversation!

Give her big hugs from us!!

The Portas said...

What a big girl, growing up so fast on you. The thought of preschool seems soooo far off for us. I'm so happy that she is doing so well right now. I'm so proud! Lots of kisses to the sweet girl. xo

Unknown said...

Preschool already, That's great and scary at the same time.
2 to 3 word sentences WOW keep up the good work Arianna.

Amyacl said...

Glad to hear that everything is going so well and you have some exciting milestones to look forward to!

Mami Adame said...

I'm sooo proud and happy to hear Arianna is soing so well. A little jealous about speech ;) although we do love our therapist!

Andrea said...

So glad to hear how well Arianna is doing! What a big girl!