Saturday, April 25, 2009

What's going on?

This is the question that has all of us stumped right now.

In my last post I mentioned Arianna having lower than normal oxygen saturations. Well I've kept a close eye on her and decided yesterday she needed to be seen by the pediatrician.

Our wonderful pediatrician wasn't there so we had to see someone else. :( I was a little unsure about seeing this doctor because he was our pediatrician before we switched and the reason I switched was because he didn't take things very seriously before when she had low sats which ultimately landed her in the ER for respiratory distress.

Let me start out with the good news. Arianna gained 1 pound in just 1 month! I don't think she has every gained weight like that. So she is officially 25 pounds! :)

I gave her recent history to the doctor and he listened to her heart and lungs. Lungs were clear so there isn't any pneumonia or chest infection to be concerned about. However, he said her murmur sounded a little harsher than what was dictated last month. Okay, now I'm trying not to get too worked up about that because he hasn't listened to her murmur in about a year.

He is concerned about her lower saturation's and thinks this she needs to be seen by cardiology next week. Unfortunately, our cardiologist will not be doing clinic for another 3 weeks so we will have to see someone else. We are scheduled to go in Wednesday morning so please keep Arianna in your prayers.

He also said we can give her oxygen if she is satting in the low 90's or 80's. So last night I gave her some O2 for a few hours. Right now she is borderline needing oxygen as well. She even has a slightly elevated temp at 99.7. What is going on?!?!

I've noticed she is a little more mellow today and sitting down more. I know I shouldn't get all worked up but as I'm typing all this out I'm realizing I am kind of freaking out. I'm not ready for her next heart surgery yet. Okay, I better not even go down that road of thinking.

I will leave you all with this cute bath picture of Arianna my mom was able to capture the other night.

***UPDATE 5pm***

After I posted Ari needed some O2 and she decided to take a 2 hour nap, which I happily joined her. :)

When she woke up I took the O2 off and she was satting at 87. I decided despite what the pediatrician said, to go ahead and give her the Albuterol inhaler and sure enough her sats jumped up to the high 90's. So I guess this is a lung thing. I'll keep up the Albuterol and hopefully that will keep her satting high. We will still go see the cardiologist next week just to be on the safe side.

Well I am not feeling in the mood to cook at all so looks like it's pizza night!!!


mina said...

Praying it's not cardiac, at least the lungs can be treated medically. Keep us posted!

Wendy said...

Hi Vanessa!

I had to stop by and see what was new with got me worried with your note on Emma's site! I will be praying for her, and especially on Wednesday. I hope that everything is all right.

She's so precious, Vanessa....I loved seeing all of her recent photos, and the Easter slideshow. She looked so pretty, and is getting to be such a big girl. (I know I say that every time I leave a message, but it just doesn't seem possible how fast these little ones are growing up!)

Please give her a big hug from us. I'll check back soon and see how things with cardiology went! Stay strong!!

Lots of Love,

Wendy (& Emma, too!)

Anderson Family said...

I'm sorry that you're stressed out. We all want our own doctors. Too bad your cardiologist is Chief of Staff and really busy.
I also wouldn't put too much on the sound of the murmur. How can you really compare by a description?
Hopefully this gets figured out soon. We're praying for you guys!
Be excited about naps, even if you do have to stay up really late.

Amyacl said...

Hope all of this gets straightened out soon! I know I get freaked out anytime something seems different with Sebastian. I'll be keeping you and Arianna in my thoughts!

The Portas said...

Oh, poor sweet girl, not feeling well. We will definitely send some prayers your way. Hopefully it's just a quickly passing lung thing! Hugs and love being sent Arianna's way! Xox

Pam said...

Hi there,
I remember going to the GI doc and him saying has she had her heart checked? her murmer is really loud. I didn't think much of it and then went to the pedi and he said the same thing. Then I got to worrying. Madison had an ECHO scheduled and I was so afraid to hear when he was going to tell me. It had only been 6 months since her last surgery. We went and he said her heart was working better than he had ever hoped for!
Hope that you guys get the same news and that the noisy murmer is just her heart doing it's thing. As for as the lower sats that does seem puzzling. Did she end up sick with that little elevated temp?
Love that bubble bath picture! Such a cutie.
Take care,