Monday, April 20, 2009


Sunday started out way to early for me. Arianna decided to wake up at 6:30 and was not about to go back to sleep. I got up and made a yummy breakfast pizza. First time I've made this and I'm hooked. Then I got to work out and get ready all before 10am. Wow...that's pretty good for me. I even was able to attend church and listen to a wonderful sermon.

After church we headed out to the park. Can you believe it was 90 degrees here today. Yuck! Just wait till summer when its in the 110's. On my on my.

As soon as we got to the park Arianna ran straight for the playground. I put her on the big kid swing all by herself for the very first time.

After lunch we did a little fishing....
but didn't catch anything so Arianna decided to feed the ducks instead.

She was completely tired by the time we got home but somehow managed to keep her awake till 7pm. She woke up around 9pm crying and kicking in pain so out came the ibuprofen.
On a different subject, I've been monitoring her O2 sats the past week and she has been running a little lower than normal. She does not have a cold or anything so I'm a little conserned it might be heart related. If she has a really active day she gets kind of mellow around 5pm and her sats will be 90-92. That is very concerning to me. We don't see her cardiologist until August but if this keeps up I might give him a call.
Now its 1am and I still can't sleep. What is wrong with me? Okay, don't answer that.


The Portas said...

Awww, she looks so stinkin' cute in her little hat. I just love her! Hopefully the lower sats are just from her being pooped after lots of activity. I don't know how you do it staying up so late. I'm such an early bird. Of course, we are up at 5:30 every morning, so I kind of have to be.

Have a good Monday! Enjoy the sunshine! xo

Anderson Family said...

She's probably just tired from a very busy day of fun. Is there a difference if she isn't doing much all day?
I can answer the reason you can't sleep. You're busy thinking! If I'm thinking about something I can never fall asleep.

Tina:0) said...

What a cutie patootie!! I just love her in her little hat!!

Ugh... 1AM?! I have to make myself stay up til 11 just to give Vaeh her meds! Hopefully you get some sleep soon!

Sending hugs!!

mina said...

Looks like so much fun! Ninety degrees sounds pretty hot to me, we're hovering in he pleasant mid to upper 60s right now.

Kathy said...

Our two kids are totally messing with us!

Isaac was 93 at the cards office....and they didn't seem worried about it. what??!!?!

today..he's in the 80s...what!?!?
I guess as long as the O2 pulls it up...then, it's ok.

Unknown said...

Sounds like she had a really nice time at the park and you wore her out :)

I hope everything is ok with Arianna and it is nothing serious. Have a nice weekend.