Sunday, February 8, 2009


Isn't that just a beautiful smile?

This is the picture that really got me questioning Arianna' smile. I've noticed for awhile that she has an asymmetric smile. So I started looking into it a bit and was shocked to find out that children with 22q11.2 Deletion Sydrome can have what is called "asymmetric crying facies." This is actually one of the symptoms that alot of children have that has lead to a 22q diagnosis. I feel bad cause I thought for awhile that she was just trying to make a silly smile for me....nope...this is just her natural beautiful smile!

I'll post the rest of our party pictures in the next post. I use this blog as a journal for myself. It's really amazing to go back and read all that has happened....and new diagnoses...over the past 2 years.


Anderson Family said...

She has the most beautiful smiles!
Studies have shown that symmetrical faces aren't considered beautiful. It's the assymetry that we all love! But there are so many reasons to love this beautiful smile!

Pam said...

Hey, thanks for getting me back in touch.
Glad to catch up and see that things are good. Hey by the way, Madison does homebound school through the school board and the therapists come out to our house as well as a school teacher. She loves school days! That might be an idea if they can't find a small class for her.
Take care,

jencooper said...

What a beautiful smile!! What a beautiful girl!! She is adorable.

I have a little something for Miss Arianna. Can you send me your address?

My email is


mina said...

That is truly a beautiful smile!

Tina:0) said...

A beautiful smile, all her own! Its perfect for Ari!!

The Portas said...

I have always been smitten by her sweet little BEAUTIFUL smile! I love's perfect. :)

Mami Adame said...

It's definitely a beautiful smile!