Monday, August 11, 2008


Today Arianna had to get her MMR vaccine. She cried so hard that she feel asleep once she got in the car. She feel asleep before we had time to get her lunch. Her arm is so sore and even has a little bruise on it. She hasn't showed any signs of a reaction so I'm really happy to have this behind us. The only shot she'll need at her 2 year check up is her Hep A. The nurse did ask if we've seen cardiology recently and what they thought about this upcoming RSV season. I told her we need to talk to pulmonary so she'll pass that information on to our pediatrician this Friday. Our cardiologist thinks she would be fine if she did get RSV this season but with her pulmonary issues we want to see what her other doc thinks.

I can't believe I'm going to say this but we don't have a doctors appointment for the next 2 months!!! I think Arianna needs to have a repeat renal ultrasound in October then we'll do a follow up visit with Urology but that is it. I can't believe we have finally made it to this point. And we also have cut back her OT sessions to once a month! Our baby girl is doing so well. I am just so thankful for all of you that have prayed for her and followed our journey. It hasn't been easy by far but I feel like I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I've been keeping very busy with our support group. I even did our first Accredited Visitor Training last week and plan on getting several of our members into the hospital visiting families in the ICU after surgery. Next month I'll be getting really busy with presentations, meetings, and training hospital visitors but it's all worth it.


Tina:0) said...

Yea, for no doctors appointments! Its such a wonderful feeling I'm sure... I can't wait!

Give Arianna a kiss on her 'booboo' from us:0) Shots are the worst. A lot of Vaeh's were done in the hospital (as she spent so much time there!). They always used the numbing cream when they did them, so they snuck me some for at home! Wonderful stuff!

Sounds like you're taking off with the support group! Keep up the great work!!

We love you guys!

jencooper said...

Way to go Arianna!! I am so happy to hear how brave you were. I am thrilled to hear that you get a break from doctors visits. That is amazing news!!


Samantha said...

Happy news!!! I am so happy to read such a good entry! Yay Arianna...those shots are tough, but they are good for protecting you...even though your mommy was a nervous wreck about it :)

Much love and happy 2 months of NO DOCTORS!!!!


mina said...

What a great update, enjoy your time off from the doctors! Bilal got his second Hepatitis A shot today and didn't even need Tylenol afterwards, hopefully Arianna's won't be traumatic either! Aren't you relieved that you went ahead and got her the MMR? Now you don't have to stress about it.....well, until kindergarten, at least!

Good luck with your support group, how do you find the time??

Kathy said...

I'm glad that you have that shot behind...supermom!!!
and all the volunteering that you're doing with your support are amazing! I need to get my bum off the couch....keep up the good work!!!
Party like a rock star with TWO MONTHS with no doctor's visits...what in the world will you do with all that time????
lots of love,