Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mommy yuckies

As you can tell from the title of this post, I'm not feeling all that great today. I tried to sleep in a bit but Arianna just loves me too much and didn't want to let that happy. I just love how much she loves me! :)

Amazingly, Robert has really stepped up and helped me with Arianna today. Not that he doesn't help out but he's going above and beyond what he normally does. Honestly, I think that's because he want to go RC flying tomorrow. Men always have their motives. LOL! So I'm sitting here in peace and quite for the 2nd time today and it feels kind of weird to be home alone. Early he took her to the grocery store and right now he took her to the park to meet a buddy of his...doing some guy stuff. I could get used to this! :)

All in all it's been a quite afternoon with Arianna taking a 3 hour nap on the couch while we were able to sit and watch an entire movie!!! That's a miracle in itself. LOL!

Arianna started with a cough a few nights ago while she was sleeping so I'm beginning to wonder if maybe this is something she passed on to me. She started with a little coughing this afternoon but I immediatly laid my hands on her and prayed that she wouldn't get this head cold. We know how yucky that would be for her. At least we have the oxygen tank still just in case we need it, but I'm hoping we don't.

I'm beginning to feel yuck but thought I would come on here and post since I had the time. Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.


Kathy said...

Oh Vanessa...I hope you wake up tomorrow and are feeling better. and..that is so sweet how much your princess loves you! and what a sweet hubby...going to the store AND the park...ummm...I'd be a little suspicious of that too!!!
We'll pray for you tonight.
Sweet dreams!

Tina:0) said...

Oh, girl?! What's going on? You know that you don't have to share everything! (lol) Hopefull you start to feel better soon & the buck stops with you!

Isn't it great when Daddy helps out & you can get just some Mommy time! I actually went & helped take wedding decorations down last night & Jon kept the girls... funny how it was freeing to 'go to work!'

Praying that the rest of your weekend isn't a total wash, you "crazy heart momma (lol)."

Luv ya! XOXOXO

jencooper said...

I hope that you are feeling better!! There is nothing worse than feeling yucky. I am glad that Robert is helping out with Arianna.


mina said...

Oh Vanessa, it's terrible when the caregiver gets sick, we moms just can't drop everything and go take a break. It's nice that Robert helped out a lot today. I hope that whatever you have is short lived!