Thursday, May 15, 2008

GI appointment

So we get to our appointment on time...which is a first. I know it's horrible but I'm always running late. Last week I even got a speeding ticket. I can't help my little 2 door cavalier I don't feel like I'm going very fast. Well, big mistake and got a I get to go to driving school. Yuck!! But it's my fault and I have to do what I have to do. Let me mention I got this on the way to see the cardiologist. I am trying to give myself extra time to get from point A to point B. It actually worked and today I arrived right on time...with no ticket.

So we get there and to my surprise Janet, our OT, was there. We happened to sit right next to those bead toys that are always in the doctor offices. I actually let Arianna play with it for a second but immediately sanitized her hands when she was done. I am trying to let her do more without me being a complete germaphobic. They call us back to do all the measurements and to my surprise she did extremely well. She didn't cry or fuss one bit. She has even got to the point where she will take the stethoscope and place it right on her chest. So cute...but kind of sad that she knows so much about the medical profession and what they want to hear. :( We go to our room and unlike last time the doctor comes in right away. Actually we saw his colleague first and tried to explain Arianna's history, which is kind of ridiculous because it's so confusing. I started back with the respiratory distress issue, which led to GI studies and she asked what the diagnosis was from pulmonary and I gave her the look. Janet stepped in and said it's been a nightmare trying to get this taken care of and the doc asked, "So do you see Dr. Daines?" I tried SO hard not to say, "Yes...and I HATE her." Instead I said, "Yes, but we are getting a second opinion from Dr. Brown on Monday!" You have to realize the all do clinic in the same clinic. Then she mentioned, "Well you know they are both in the same practice" I wanted to say, "Yeah but she has no idea what she is doing." But once again I just shut up. Then Dr. Ghishan came in and the first thing he said was "Man, she is beautiful!" He is so sweet and I really like this man. He said Arianna has gained 1 lb and 1 inch since February and he is perfectly happy with that growth. He said she will not be a big girl but that is fine with him. He is content if she continues to gain 1 pound & 1 inch over a few months period, then discharged us from seeing him. Great to hear since we were so close to a feeding tube. It also feels good to get rid of another doctor. I asked him about the possibility of her aspirating and he said absolutely not. He said he will not do any more GI tests on her because that is completely unnecessary. I am trying to get a copy of this clinic note to take with me to her consult on Monday. This is the appointment with cardiology, pulmonary, and our pediatrician. I did, however, get the clinic report sent to me from cardiology and the PC said he thinks this might be atelectasis. So I'm really glad to be having the consult with both docs.

All in all, things are going well. I did notice some puffiness of Arianna's eyes yesterday morning, which got better by the afternoon. I'm just keeping a close eye on her since she is off her Lasix.

One of our heart buddies had her 3rd open heart surgery today. Nevaeh is doing well and recovering in ICU. Please keep her in your prayers that she gets off the vent within a few days, as she had trouble with that before. Keep the entire family in your prayers.

**Forgot to mention, Arianna weighed 19 lbs 6 ozs and was (I think) 30 inches tall.**


Tina:0) said...

Yea for no more GI! You're little girl is catching up to Vaeh. She'll be a little chunky monkey in no time!

Thanks for mentioning Vaeh on your post:0) We appreciate all of the prayers we get - & know that they ALL help!

Thanks for the chat last night! Talk to ya soon!


Amyacl said...

So glad to hear that you got good news and that Arianna is doing well! Hopefully things will continue to get better and better. Keep doing what you're doing - obviously your love and dedication to her are exactly what she needs!

The Portas said...

Check that one off! That has to feel good.

I can't believe that just because "they are in the same field" that a doctor wouldn't know that that's not everything. Arg!!

Good job on everything, Arianna, you're doing great!

Nancy Jensen said...

Hi Vanessa, thanks for stopping by my blog and wishing Jess well with her graduation. We LOVE Dr. Ghishan! She still sees Jess and he always tells her what a beautiful young lady she is. I'm glad you don't have to see him anymore but at least you know he's a great doctor. He is the one our cardiologist wanted Jess to see a couple of years ago when Jessica's stomach pains got way out of hand.

Now... I've never heard of Dr. Daines or Dr. Brown. Are they pulmonary doctors? Jessica has seen Dr. Dianne Neddenriep for 20 years now and she is EXCELLENT! She helped us stop Jessica's lung bleeds a few years ago. Jessica may be an "adult" but since all her medical problems stem from her congenital heart defects, we see mostly pediatric doctors... including Dr. Neddenriep. There have been times that I've asked her something and she will say, "I don't know but I can find out". She has gone above and beyond what many doctors will do and will find an answer for us. I would never feel as comfortable with another pediatric pulmonary doctor as I do with Dianne Neddenriep. Give her a try if you aren't happy with your doctor. She is not in a clinic, she shares an office with just one other peds pulmonary doctor and that's where we go see her.

If it helps you feel any better, I'm always running late too. lol

Lastly, good luck to Nevaeh. Is she from here?