Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pulmonary update

I can finally tell you all about my talk with the pulmonologist. I got a call on Monday and after making her feel awful for not calling sooner she told me exactly what the bronchoscopy results were. I won't go into detail but basically everyone was within normal range. The only thing is her eosinopils were at 4%, which is good because normal is <5% but she said almost ALL kids come back with a 0%. So basically this means she is more prone to developing allergies and/or asthma. She is not giving her a diagnosis but it's something to be aware of if we notice more symptoms. This also concurns with the previous lab works that was done that showed a high number of IgE's and eosinphils. Arianna is not aspirating and does not have sequestration!!! THANK GOD!! Since we haven't had a clinic visit I had to give her a full history over the phone to bring this doc up to speed. She explained that Arianna's saturations should never be below 95%, whether she is awake or asleep. She agreed with our pediatrician and said if she is below 92% while awake or below 87% while sleeping then we need to put her on oxygen, or if we notice she is having a difficult time breathing. This was good to finally have a number to go off of. This being said she can't explain why she is sating so low while sleeping. She said the CT doesn't give us a good enough picture but she is chalking it up to trauma. Arianna has been though open-heart surgery and had multiple anesthesia's done for tests that she thinks it's possible scaring and trauma. This was sad to hear but at least it isn't something worse. I asked what, if anything, needed to be done and she said just time. Over time she will develope good lung tissue which should replace the bad. The biggest thing is that Arianna not get any colds. This will set her recovery back even farther.

So as you all know we are staying just as precautious. If you are sick, or even have a sniffle or cough, DON'T COME OVER!! I can't stress this enough. I don't know how many times I could get upset when people think it's nothing and still proceed to come to my house and act like everything is okay. I want you to know it's not okay. Please respect my wishes and just wait until you are symptom free. We love are daughter and are trying to do the best to keep her healthy.

With all of this being said, we still don't have her immunology studies so have no idea how well her immune system is functioning. NO ONE will talk to me from that office so I'm beginning to think they have lost her blood again. I am furious and making a call to the lab today. Until we get these results we are not taking Arianna out in public but are going to try and open up a little more and start seeing more family. We will however be taking he to the Heart Walk on Saturday because I will be speaking and they have asked if Arianna can attend. I will be very protective of her that day so if you go and I don' t let you hold her please don't take offense.

I think that covers everything but I'm sure I'll think of something else later. I have some errands to run so I better go. I still haven't had a chance to check on all my heart babies but I will soon!


mina said...

Good news about pulmonary, well at least they couldn't find something obviously wrong! I hope you get the immunology results soon, because I sure wouldn't want to be on the receiving end if they lost Arianna's blood again! Good luck.

Kathy said...

We'll send you a box of gloves and masks for her to wear...take that princess to the park!!!
We got the same talk about lung tissue from our pulmo last month...just takes time!
Well...Welcome to your new home!!!
Congratulations!!! have to email me Arianna's measurements and I'll tutu her right up!!!
Don't stress about the labs...they'll be there...(right??)
and I won't come over if we're sick!
You have to take a road trip soon...I have more kids to pack in the, you drive (I'll give you a room!)
Talk to you soon,

The Portas said...

Good pulmonology report and I HOPE the lab hasn't lost her blood again. NOooo!! I would be so upset!

I'm so excited for this cold/flu season to be done. I think Elijah has forgotten that there is an outside. All of the heart babies are going to be partying it up this summer!

Take care and I hope you're enjoying your new home!

Nora said...

Vanessa, you are such a great mom! Don't worry about being too over the top with your little ones health. That's not so. You are her advocate and just looking out for her! Stay strong and stay positive! Arianna is such a doll! Take care and God Bless!

(cp: AlysaBeth)