Monday, May 5, 2008


Still no results on the labs. I left a message for the nurse to call back and of course didn't hear anything back. I can't get mad at her, its' not her fault. I'm just so frustrated that the results have been available sine March...UGH!!! I'll keep at it tomorrow.

On another note...I got my titers for the measels, since we are having an outbreak and to no surprise I'm still immune!!! This is good news because we have our first support group meeting tomorrow at the hospital...yes the same hospital that started the outbreak. We're not even on the same ward or even near the ER so I'm not too worried. I'm just so excited to be getting Mended Little Hearts going here in Tucson. I got a call from a nurse at one of the local pediatric cardiologists office today and she will be coming along with a 34 year old CHD survivor. I'll let you all know how it goes.

I'm still trying to put together a slidshow from the Heart Walk. My mom got some great pictures and I can't wait to show them off!


jencooper said...

Best of luck to you at your meeting tomorrow!!

I hope that you get your results very soon!!


Kathy said...

Yes...good luck tomorrow...can't wait to hear how it goes!!!
You're such a good heart mama!
Can't wait to see the pics of the heart walk!
Did you take our princess to the park today??? It was a very nice day??
and...are you sending me her sizes so that I can make her a tutu!

Tina:0) said...

Great news on the measels results! Boy what a busy mommy you are?! Heart walk, starting up Mended Little Hearts - Tuscon...what else are you planning? I'm sure its great! Can't wait to see the pictures from the heart walk! I'm sure they're great! Good luck at the meeting!

Oh, don't forget to post a picture of the tutu that Kathy makes for Arianna! I'm sure she'll be absolutely adorable in it!

Heart Hugs!