Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pool Time!

The day has finaly came where I was able to take Arianna swimming. I was so upset that I couldn't take her last year. Her surgery was last May and had some issues with the incision so they told me NO swimming. But today....we FINALLY went swimming.

Gotta eat my hot dog first...

More milk please!!

Not liking her floaty too much.

The pool was pretty cold so that probably didn't help.

My mom was taking pictures and when I got home I saw this short video. Don't think she realized she did it either. Our pool experience was short lived...but a wonderful experience. I cherish moments like this. I can't wait for so many more!


Krista said...

Yeah for swimming. I'm sure it won't be long before she's begging you to go swimming everyday. What a wonderful fun memory. and...I love the fish tank!

sorry about slacking on the comments...but read every day to stay in touch...she certainly is growing up!


Tracy said...

Oh yes. I'll too jealous that you are some place that its warm enough to swim . Our spring days have been way too cold lately . We're lucky to hit the lower 50's and the rain .

Glad to see that you have one less doctor to deal with .

Tina:0) said...

I can't wait to get Vaeh in the water. She just loves to kick her feet in the tub, so hopefully she'll like the pool, too! What a cutie pie in that swimming suit. I just think little girls are the absolute cutest in suits! Give her big hugs from Vaeh (& all of us, too!).

Samantha said...

Oh, now that looks FUN!!! You and Kathy both get to enjoy such nice weather! But...I will not be feeling so jealous when it is like 150 degrees there :)

Glad you finally got to bring her in the water...what fun!

Love ya!

Kathy said...

LOVE the swimsuit!!!
She's too cute!
I can't wait to put Isaac in the pool...I don't think he's going to like it very much though!
We had turtles and a big tank like that...I know Arianna loves watching it swim around!

jencooper said...

Sorry for no comments...I was out of town over the weekend. Arianna is such a cutie! I love the attitude picture. I am so happy that you were able to get in the pool. My kids are starting swimming lessons in June. The fish tank is awesome....what fun!!


Joy said...

Hi Vanessa, thanks for the note on our Carepage. Sounds like things are going reasonably well for your daughter. She's beautiful!

I got all nostalgic looking at your photos from the heart walk. I grew up in Tucson -- moved when I was 16. I've only been back to visit a couple times, but I loved it out there. Our favorite heart surgeon moved out to Phoenix last year and I half-way thought about following him for Luke's surgeries. If his defect had been different, we might have.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi!

The Portas said...

She is such a cutie. I'm so glad that you got to take her swimming finally! Pretty soon that's all she's going to want to do is be in the pool.

I love the swimsuit adorable!

Colin's Blog said...

How great that Arianna is able to finally go swimming!! Colin loves his bath so, I'm hoping he'll love the pool!! She's such a cutie!

Amyacl said...

What a treat to finally get to go in the pool! I'm sure she will start to like it more and more each time. I can't wait for swimming weather here!

Christina said...

Hello Arianna & Vanessa,
Just wanted to let you guys know I have not forgot about you guys I am always thinking and praying for you all =) I love the pool photos so glad she got to go swimming I bet she loved it so much =) I cant wait until we get swimming weather here its still a bit chilly =( boo Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

Love Christina & Maddy