Thursday, February 28, 2008

GI appointment

Just a cute snap shot from this afternoon. I LOVE her new outfit!

We had a good meeting with the GI doctor today. He was very pleased with Arianna’s growth. She weighed 18 pounds 6 ozs, which is a 2 oz increase since the nutritionist a few weeks ago. The GI doctor last saw Arianna in Nov and since then she has had almost a 2 pound increase and significant growth in her length. He reviewed the results of the upper GI and swallow study and was happy to hear these were negative. He said she is doing well for her age and at this point we will only need to do followup. We will go back in 3 months just to make sure she is progressing nicely. It was so nice of Janet, our OT, to accompany us to this visit. Even though it was short and sweet, just knowing she cares that much to go means the world to me.

**Forgot to tell you…the doctor checked her umbilical hernia and said that she for sure won’t need surgery. It should close up completely without any intervention needed. Yeah..we are so excited!**


Samantha said...

Yea...happy, happy news!

I also LOVE that they make it in a 4T??? If so, where in the world did you find it? I love to dress Leah in that color green b/c of her red hair.

Heart Hugs,

Kathy said...

i lOVE that outfit...
I wish Isaac was a girl! It's no fun buying boy clothes!
You know...Isaac's weighing in at 17 pounds out Arianna...Isaac's going to catch up to you!
And the pony pics were cute! It'll be awhile before I can put Isaac on a little pony...but,I can't wait!

Krista said...

She'll be facing forward before you know it...go girls go!

Glad for a decent report today...she is just adorable...I just want to eat her up! Kate always looked so cute in that green's such a precious color..for our precious girls!

The Portas said...

Great news all around! Way to go, little one!


Wendy said...

Vanessa ~

It was wonderful to read such great news about Arianna! I am so happy to hear that the GI doc thinks she's doing well. I've been worried about her, and praying that a G-tube wasn't in her future!!! (I wish Emma never had to have one!)

I was also happy to read that her cardiology appointment went well and that her little heart is doing fine right now.

I loved her new picture! She is growing up so fast, and is just as cute as ever!!! She looks all ready for spring! (I'm sure it's quite warm already there in AZ! We had snow here yesterday!!)

Thanks for your sweet notes on Emma's was a crazy week here!

Take care and give that sweetie-pie a big heart hug from her friend, Emma!

Lots of Love,

Wendy (& Emma, too!) ~ 2-years-old, 6q25.3-qter deletion, TOF (2nd OHS rescheduled for 3/14/08)

Amyacl said...

Vanessa - Thank you for your thoughtful comment on Seba's blog! Arianna is a beautiful little girl and it's great to hear that things are going well for her. I look forward to following her progress!

Amy (mom to Sebastian, 9 months old today!)

Samantha said...

Just checking in on you guys...I hope all is well in sunny AZ!


Andrea said...

Haven't heard from you guys lately and I just wanted to say hi and we're thinking of you. Hope all is well there in sunny Arizona!

Kathy said...

Yeah Vanessa...
what are you guys up to??
Just sunning yourselves!!!??
Hope all is well!