Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We're Going Home!!

The doctor just came in and feels we are ok to go home since she has stayed on half a liter all night. I'm a little nervous about taking her home with no answers but at least she will be on oxygen, which is also kind of scary. Hopefully my next post will be from home!!!


Kathy said...

Oh...I'm so glad that you're going home. (and with O2). Don't be scared of the O2...it is you friend!
It will be easier to take care of Arianna and monitor her...and you and your hubby can get some rest. It's just so much less stressful monitoring her at home than at the hospital. Take care and we'll keep checking in on you!

mina said...

Great to hear you'll be going home, lessens the risk of Arianna catching something in the hospital!

The Portas said...

YAY! Home home home! So much more comfy there. I'm so happy for you guys. Yay Arianna!!

Andrea said...

Oh, I'm so glad you guys are going home! Praying little Arianna makes a complete recovery in record time!