Friday, February 15, 2008

PT Evaluation

Yesterday we had our 3 month evaluation with the physical therpaist. Last time she was here was right before Arianna's 1st birthday. At that time Arianna was scoring between 9-10 months in her gross motor. After the evaluation yesterday she is scoring in the 13-15 month range. She is right on target!

I did tell the PT about my concerns with her over all low tone. She said that we might see a stall in her development over the next few months because it will take her longer to get the strength needed for certain activities. The PT is not at all concerned with her at this point and will come back in May for another evaluation. She gave us some activities to do with Arianna to help build the muscles in her legs. Pretty much alot of knee bending to pick up toys and trying to get her to pull/push toys while walking. She is still very wobbly but can definintly walk from room to room if no one bumps her. Of course having her connected to the oxygen doesn't help this at all, but she is learning to deal with it.

Speaking of oxygen I am no longer trying to wean her, at least not for another week. The PC told me it would be reasonable to have her sats as low as 92%, but when we allow her to be that low she doesn't eat well and seems more tired. She needs her O2 so we aren't going to deprive her of it anymore. She has gone without it for way too long. It's amazing cause she is signing more words and even TRYING to say "more" when singing. I think this O2 is helping with alot more than giving us good numbers. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this soon, cause it really is driving me crazy that we don't have an answer.


The Portas said...

That is such great news that she is right on developmentally. Yes, let her take in all that oxygen and thrive! That makes me wonder if Elijah would thrive physically if he hadn't lived his first year of life with sats between 65-85%??

Take care, have a good weekend.

The Portas said...

I meant to say gross motor for Elijah's thriving. We all know the boy can gain chub!

Kathy said...

I agree with Megan...our butterball was a blueberry for the first 8 months of his life...It can't be good letting him sat in the 70s for that long! (i wonder how many brain cells we've killed off!)
Arianna will get stronger and will be running around your house PULLING her O2 tank behind her before you know it! I'd keep her on the O2 also...she's sounds like she's doing great. She's going to be a chub too...before we know it!
Hope you guys have a fun weekend!!

mina said...

Great news about Arianna's development, you can never underestimate the power of love and attention, as well as good medical care!