Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Having surgery looming over our heads is rather stressful. We are wanting to do some fun things with her but we have to keep her pretty isolated. So that limits what we can do. Right now we can't even attend church. :(

So we decided to take her to the movies today since it was a monday at 5pm. She was so excited to go. Poor Devin feel asleep on the way over and took a nap before the show started. :)


I have the most loving and supportive family. My grandparents and my mom all came to watch the movie with us!

We made sure to wipe all the chairs down, put a blanket down and didn't let her touch anthing. There was only 2 other peple that came and sat next to us but he was a teenage boy wearing a CPAP machine so we know he is in the same boat not wanting to get sick. I have to say it was very enjoyable being out of my family and watching the smile on my girls face!

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